Bronzeville Chicago Map Our Bronzeville map depicts the geographic, cultural and historical features of Chicago's "Black Metropolis."

Bronzeville, Chicago The people of Bronzeville produced a new force in Black America: an urban home distinguished for its accomplishments in business, the arts and community life.

Cinton, NY This rural campus in the rolling hills of upstate New York is one of the oldest colleges in the country.

Our elaborately illustrated campus map features 60 campus buildings rendered in relief along with the topography and vegetation of the area.

Pomona, California For a Robert A.M. Stern designed student center at Pomona College, we created a visual history of the architectural landmarks of Southern California.

Pomona, California The wreath collage provides a complete picture of the school.

Bronx NYC Map This large-scale illustrated bronze map of the Bronx was designed in collaboration with forty Public School students.

Bronx NYC Map Detail The map relief is illustrated with dozens of hand-carved details that reveal the history and character of the Bronx. Included is an arrow to the Bronx Zoo featuring faithfully rendered drawings of animals by K-6 students selected in a school wide competition.

Colonial Williamsburg Map Detail Our three-dimensional map of the area features over 500 buildings rendered in bronze.

Colonial Williamsburg Map Detail The work allows visitors to orient themselves as they set out to explore the village.

Harbor Island Boston Map Inset outside Boston's new Federal Courthouse, this 10' diameter bronze inset tells the story of the over thirty islands in Boston Harbor.

Norfolk Virginia Map

Highland Park Map